Sunday, January 16, 2011

Date Night

Date Night, What is that ?? Have not had one in forever.

Well the daycare that Kayden does his VPK at has a parents night out once a month and well this month we decided to take advantage of it.We had no clue what we were gonna do but we knew it did not involve sitting at home. we dropped Kayden off around 6 and headed down the read. It was a toss up between Olive Garden and Fire restaurant. OG won out. It sounds good but did not taste as good as I was hoping it would have. We took our time and sat next to each other and just we us. Boy was it nice. We could not decide what to do after that. While driving to dinner we passed a couple bingo halls and just being silly I asked Shawn if he wanted to go play bingo. Last time I had gone was back in Vegas and I don't know if Shawn had ever gone. So after dinner we hit up a bingo hall and spent all of 5 bucks to play for about an hour. We had fun. Did not win anything. I am really looking forward to the next parents night out. What will it have in store for us ??

Other then date night it has been a lazy weekend. Shawn and Kayden went to the park yesterday and I went to get my hair cut. Came home and did NOTHING.  It was nice but I get bored. I feel like I should be doing something. Today we are gonna clean and do laundry and watch the Seahawks play at 1. Tomorrow Shawn is off and Kayden is out of school. Don't have any plans for tomorrow either. Sometimes ya need a lazy weekend.

Hope everyone is enjoying there. Got to run the laundry is calling my name.

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