I love them even more when I get to spend then them with boys.
So far this weekend has been WONDERFUL.
Yesterday I went shopping with a good friend. Got Kayden a bunch of new clothes cause he has decided that he needed to grow. Let me tell ya he is harder then heck to shop for. At almost 5 he is only 35 pounds and 42 inches tall. Can ya guess what size pants he wears. He needs a 24m waist and a 4 boys for the length. It makes finding pants hard. But we found some good deals and he should be set for the rest of winter. Later in the evening Shawn and Nate went to see Tron in 3D. Shawn said it was Bad Ass. Kayden got to go to an NA meeting with me and thought that was pretty cool. I tried to teach him the serenity prayer. It starts out God grant me the peace. He asked me what God was. I did not know how not know how to answer that question. He says the darnedest things sometimes.
On Saturday He slept in till almost 830. It was heaven. We could not decide on what to have for breakfast so decided to go out to Destin and go to Cracker Barrel since I had to go out there anyways. While out there we went to Best Buy to see if they had The Nightmare Before Christmas. While there I wanted to look and see if they had any deals on TV's. Well we get lucky and they did. We got an LG 32in that was 449 for 299. Now we are sitting here watching TV on out new big screen. Later we went to get Kaydens hair cut. He had been saying he wanted spikey hair like mine. So we got him a Mohawk and he looks so cute.
He is now settled into bed and we just got done watching his new movie. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Oh see now we need pics of the mohawk!