So once again it has been a while since I have posted. Once again so much has changed. I think I might change what I use this blog for.
I have noticed that on facebook alot I am posting about my personal life. While I don't have a problem putting it there I think I want something more concrete.
So life has been going WONDERFUL. I went into a 30 day treatment facility back the end on Oct and got out the day before Thanksgiving. Most people in my life have never known that I was an addict. Well I am and I am not proud of it but I am. I have started getting the help I need. It first started with going back to treatment since this was my second time through. I don't think I was ready the first time. I found a sponsor before I got out and have been going to NA meeting almost every night. I try to talk myself out of it almost every night but am getting better about that. I am going to start working my steps this weekend and am a little nervous about that one. But I have to start sometimes. You will be hearing lots more about life an addict.
That's all for now. Will try my best to come back at least 4 times a week with updates on me and my recovery. Might try and through so recipies and stuff in from time to time.
Words cannot express how proud I am of you. Your strength and courage never cease to amaze me. You are doing such a good job and I want you to keep at it. Things can only get better from here! Love you girlie!!