Sunday, January 24, 2010

Been Busy

First off I want to say - I LOVE MY JOB !!!

Thing have been going great, They put me almost on my own on Friday. I am just that good.

Thing at home have been busy. Yesterday we got all our shopping for the week done and I was able to pick up some new work cloths on clearance at Old Navy I for 3 skirts and 5 shirts for 28 bucks. Today we have been home all day and looks like it is gonna stay that way, Maybe before dinner We will take a walk on the beach. Been cooking up a storm to get ready for the week, Chili is done, Pork is in the crock pot cooking, Teriyaki sauce is made, Chicken salad is done and I am gonna make a cake in a little bit. Still need to get some cleaning done - But that stuff is no fun :(

We went out to dinner to Kayden favorite restaurant for dinner on Friday, It is a local place called Fudpuckers. When ever the word got out to eat comes up he always wants to go there. They have the best hush puppies, I need to learn how to make them.  They also have a bunch of baby alligators.

Gonna go start my cleaning and getting ready for the next week. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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